The Carni-Mumma Australia Facebook page was created in 2021 to share and celebrate the carnivore way of life and to enable others to follow my personal journey to healing after over a decade of chronic illness.
2010 marked the year I became ill after contracting helicobacter in a FIFO construction camp in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. I was a civil engineer in the prime of my career and I loved every part of my occupation. But this unexpected and unknown illness brought me to my knees. The unrelenting vomiting blood, being unable to eat and keep my meals down and not being able to lay to sleep without excruciating pain, saw my health and my career vanish before my eyes in a short 4 months. Despite numerous doctor and specialist visits, scans, endoscopy, biopsy and blood tests every single break of my remaining time on site, it would go undiagnosed for the next extremely dark and painful 2.5 years. In that time there was a rapid decline in my physical and mental health and immunity. I nearly died and spent 3 weeks in hospital recovering, only to go home and relive it all over again, for 7 more years.
Over a decade of illness, hospitalisations and emergency room visits ensued. I was suffering from severe and extreme reflux, prolonged vomiting, chronic stomach infections (helicobacter and blastocystis), severe joint and bone pain, insulin resistance, severe bruising, anemia, an acquired bleeding disorder, low immunity (including neutropenia), low hormones, backwards cortisol, the painful condition of SIBO, debilitating Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)/ severe histamine intolerance limiting to 8 safe ingredients, fat malabsorption, malnutrition issues, environmental allergies including Aquagenic Urticaria (allergy to water), growing allergies to medications, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and the flow on impact that prolonged chronic illness has on mental health (severe insomnia, depression and anxiety).
In the 6 months of recovery from my hospitalisation, I was fortunate to be referred to one of my city’s best investigative doctor’s, who without him, I am certain I wouldn’t be here today. My doctor finally found the infection, and many other medical issues I’d acquired since I first became ill. It was a very, very long road back to some semblance of a quality of life. Along the way we tried every possible diet and treatment option available, even working with a leading gastroenterologist interstate to undertake 3 weeks of FMT (faecal microbial transplant) in an attempt to restore my microbiome. But despite doing all the ‘right’ things, following all doctor advice, adhering to a strict paleo diet for over 7 years and leading a low-tox life, my unusual symptoms persisted and my quality of life remained low. Microbiome mapping showed that my good stomach bacteria was “below detectable limits” and I was now displaying cancer markers. It was no wonder I was in such poor health when my stomach wasn’t even capable of absorbing any fuel.
I had been down the rabbit hole of chasing MTHFR mutations, MARCONS, DUTCH tests, OAT tests, SIBO tests, heavy metals, leaky gut, HTMA mineral hair analysis, DNA testing, working with a naturopath, neurofeedback (where my brain was likened to a ‘flat battery’), FMT and much more. All confirmed I was unwell, but there were no real answers nor solutions. I really fought the good fight for many years but eventually reached (for a second time) complete mental, emotional, physical and financial depletion. I finally let go and made ‘peace’ with the fact that there was no cure, the damage was irreparable, and this was my lot in life. It may have looked like ‘acceptance’ to those around me, but it was really a loss of hope with the realisation that I’d be living in the shadows for the rest of my life and there was nothing further that I could do about it. Although I was a shadow of my former self, my wonderful husband stood by me the entire decade of pain and struggles.
Following the miracle high-risk pregnancy and caesarean birth of my son in late 2018 at 37 years old, I noticed that many of the issues I was experiencing as an adult, he was also starting to display. Colic, chronic vomiting, food allergies and intolerances (via breastmilk), night terrors from 6 weeks of age, low immunity, delayed eating, issues with solids and swallowing, severe eczema, gastrointestinal distress, poor bowel movements despite a clean paleo diet, unexplained and significant bruising, very dark rings under his eyes and a heartbreaking hospitalisation at 17 months old that saw him being tested for leukemia and sickle cell anemia. None of this was ok, and none of it made sense. I had already found ‘peace’ knowing that I had tried everything to get myself better, but my baby’s hospitalisation was the tipping point. I was not going to raise a child to endure a lifetime of suffering like I had experienced and struggled with for over a decade. His health and future were worth fighting for.
After what was an emotional rollercoaster, we were so lucky to be told he was negative for leukemia and sickle cell anemia, but his odd symptoms still persisted. He would have random bouts of full body jaundice accompanied with rashes and vomiting. He continued to display significant and unexplained painless bruising (massive bruising across his abdomen) and many small bruises all over his legs, too pattern-like and perfect to be from random falls, and significant bruising that would appear and randomly vanish the next day. His gastrointestinal distress, low immunity and severe eczema also persisted. I consulted doctors and our children’s hospital, but it was dismissed. It felt like my experience with the medical system all over again.
At the advice of my fabulous doctor, our carnivore journey began in early 2020. It was a last resort for me and a glimmer of hope for my baby. It was a slow and gentle transition for me to Carnivore after weaning my baby, but by around 70% carnivore (minimal fruits and vegetables) my good microbiome was finally growing and reading “low”, a massive improvement from below detectable limits! My blood panels were the best they had been in years and I was starting to feel some relief for the first time in 11 years. My (now) toddler was the last diet transition we made and it was a very slow, gentle transition over 6 months. Upon the final removal of all fruits and vegetables, all of his painful eczema disappeared, and his skin went from sand-paper consistency to smooth baby skin. But one piece of fruit or vegetable and it was back with a vengeance along with explosive stools (not a nice occurrence when you’re trying to toilet train). We could tell from his lack of symptoms that his diet was finally on the right track.
Whilst I can’t turn back the clock and regain my lost years, I can and will focus on helping my child and other people that have been stuck on the same relentless rollercoaster for far too long. I’m confident that the carnivore diet heals and restores gastrointestinal homeostasis for optimal health and wellness. It’s the only silver bullet there is! If we provide our bodies with the correct fuel, enabling them to restore their nutrient capacity, our bodies can and will heal by natural design.
Like and Follow our Facebook page Carni-Mumma Australia to keep up to date with our healing journey.
Work with Carni-Mumma here.
Our leap to carnivore wasn’t exactly a leap, more of a progression if you will. We weren’t on a standard diet prior to it, we had committed 7 years to a strict paleo diet. Our commitment to my health and wellness was such that we converted our entire small city backyard to a suburban farm. Everything nurtured, everything organic. An abundance of fruits, vegetables and fresh eggs. Our diet was impeccable by today’s standards, but it couldn’t grow my microbiome! I wasn’t getting any better, in fact, by late 2016/ early 2017 I had started getting worse again. Salads and bananas were sending me to the emergency room and I was reduced to eating only 8 safe ingredients total (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/ severe histamine intolerance). And I was having allergic reactions to all of my surroundings. I’d developed a painful allergy to water (Aquagenic Urticaria) in which it felt like acid burning through my skin, I could intensely feel EMFs and my sense of smell was off the charts. I was acutely aware of the dangers around me, yet I felt like I was dying. I’d become a bit of a canary in the coal mine. It’s not what you would expect from such a committed and ‘healthy’ diet and lifestyle. Something was clearly still very wrong with the way we were eating. I have mixed feelings seeing these photos now. What was once my pride and joy – we demolished it all. Fruits and vegetables were literally poisoning me, but we didn’t know any better then.