The Carnivore Store

R.C.P Consultation


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Carni-Mumma is a qualified RCP Consultant (The RCP Institute), taking a wholistic, gentle and compassionate approach to guide clients to better health.  With over a decade of lived experience in gut related conditions, chronic fatigue and mental health, Carni-Mumma is compassionate and dedicated to helping others heal and restore their health and quality of life.

Please note that RCP consultants are not trained to diagnose or treat any conditions.  Rather we aim to empower and guide our clients to restore their nutrient capacity enabling their body to heal itself.  We support your body’s natural design in healing and aim to position you with the knowledge to stay nourished and well into the future.  After a decade of illness, I completely understand that many of my clients have had similar experiences with trying all manner of treatments and that brings with it a ‘need to understand’.  I am to position you with the knowledge so that you understand all the ‘whys’ as well as the ‘hows’.

Carni-Mumma works to the RCP recommended mediteranean diet with clients as a general rule.  Where severe food intolerances, allergies or chronic gut issues have persisted over a number of years, part or whole of the carnivore diet may be suggested where the Mediterranean diet is proved insufficient for a period of time to enable gut healing.  With Carni-Mumma’s long term chronic gut related issues, gut healing really only started to occur with the change in diet to carnivore (see my microbiome mapping results here <link>).  But we understand that every person is different and base RCP diet deviations on symptoms and microbiome results only.

Carni-Mumma is RCP trained in:

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) training.
  • Understanding R.C.P Blood test results.
  • Experienced with reading and guiding client’s through their microbiome mapping results.

Carni-Mumma works with clients both in person (Perth) and all over the world (via Zoom).  We aim to keep our consultations as affordable as possible, and whilst everybody’s healing journey is different, our aim is to arm you with the knowledge you need, guided by your pace, to take control of your health and get well.

Testimonials (anonymity for privacy reasons):

“You’re so refreshing!  I appreciate your insight and advice.  It’s so comforting in ways for me to know other women who have walked this journey.  I felt so alone for a long time.  I was literally beginning to think I was crazy as no one could tell me what was wrong and most doctors told me there wasn’t anything wrong.  It’s been a very scary, dark time in my life.  I absolutely love your outlook on healing and not giving unrealistic expectations and saying “never” to things.  Being so black and white about things doesn’t work for me.  Thank you for being willing to chat with me.  It’s very comforting.  Thank you for being willing to talk me through this.  You are so wonderful.  I hope you know how much meeting you and our conversations mean to me.”

“It feels SO good to have someone else who understands where I am.  Thank you so much!  This is SO helpful!!  Oh my gosh, thank you for this.” 

“Thank you for your encouragement! I really appreciate your advice!  You are such a blessing!  I mean that whole heartedly.” 

“With your beautiful message and advice, I know I can shift my mindset and see happiness elsewhere.  I appreciate your support.  Your story and your experience is so very helpful.”